Join Cheerleader in your Pocket today
Monthly contract
Access private community of like-minded people:
Twice weekly check in prompts
Monthly goal setting and planning prompts
90 day planning prompts
Live quarterly trainings (happen in January, April, July, October)
Live quarterly online group coaching calls (happen in March, June, September, December)
Access 90 day planning process (and library of other previous trainings on a range of topics)
3 Monthly contract
Access private community of like-minded people - with everything you receive in the monthly contract
PLUS Personalised support from Lydia
1-1 call to be booked any time within your 3 month membership
Twice weekly emails to check in on your progress and give you some additional encouragement when needed
*Recurring monthly payment.
**Recurring 3 monthly payment.
You may cancel at any time. Your cancellation will become effective at the end of your current subscription period. Access to your membership and benefits remain unaffected until the end of your current subscription period.