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I hope these articles help you on your journey to having a life and career that works for you

How to make a plan when you don’t know what’s next in your career
Lydia Newell Lydia Newell

How to make a plan when you don’t know what’s next in your career

Feeling stuck in your career but not sure what you want to do next? You know you want something different, something better, but without a clear idea of what that looks like, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stuck.

Here’s the thing: figuring out what’s next isn’t about waking up one day with a perfect plan—it’s about taking small, intentional steps that help you move forward.

If you’re struggling to stay motivated while figuring out your next career move, here’s how to keep going, even when the destination isn’t clear yet.

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Is Your 'Good Job' Keeping You Stuck?
Lydia Newell Lydia Newell

Is Your 'Good Job' Keeping You Stuck?

Many professionals find themselves in this tricky situation. They’ve worked hard to get where they are, and their 'good job' feels like a reward for all those years of effort. But it also feels like a trap. Here’s why…

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Finding purpose in your work
Lydia Newell Lydia Newell

Finding purpose in your work

If you feel unhappy in your job, but struggle to make a decision about what you might want to do instead - here’s a 4 step framework that you can use today to generate ideas of job roles that could be a great fit for you.

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The True Cost of Staying in a Job You Hate: Beyond the Pay slip
Lydia Newell Lydia Newell

The True Cost of Staying in a Job You Hate: Beyond the Pay slip

Are you feeling trapped in a job that drains your energy, kills your motivation, and leaves you dreading Mondays? While your salary might seem like the only tangible cost, and leave you feeling like you can’t afford to leave… The truth is, staying in a job you hate can come with a hefty price tag that extends far beyond your bank balance.

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Feeling Undervalued at Work: Navigating disappointment after your Appraisal Pay Review
Lydia Newell Lydia Newell

Feeling Undervalued at Work: Navigating disappointment after your Appraisal Pay Review

It's that time of the year again—year-end bonuses, pay reviews, appraisals, and all those exciting discussions about your hard work paying off. But what if the outcome leaves you feeling less than thrilled?

You're not alone… feeling disappointed, undervalued, and maybe even a bit disrespected.

Here's a roadmap to navigate these emotions and turn disappointment into opportunity.

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Maximising Your Annual Leave: The Art of Leave Stacking
Lydia Newell Lydia Newell

Maximising Your Annual Leave: The Art of Leave Stacking

Are you someone who always has a mental countdown to the weekend, or your next day off? If you’re craving more time away from work to be able to properly switch off - you’re not alone! Loads of people feel the same way.

This blog has 2 solutions: find out about ‘leave stacking’, and consider whether there might be an underlying problem behind the feeling of needing more time away from work.

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Spring Clean Your Career: Renew, Refresh, and Revitalise
Lydia Newell Lydia Newell

Spring Clean Your Career: Renew, Refresh, and Revitalise

Just like tidying up your home, taking stock of your work situation can breathe new life into your journey, helping you align with your goals, values, and aspirations. So, grab your metaphorical mop and broom, and let's get started with 5 things you can do today to spring clean your career - you don’t even need to leave the sofa!!

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10 Clear Signs It's Time for a Career Change
Lydia Newell Lydia Newell

10 Clear Signs It's Time for a Career Change

Are you feeling increasingly dissatisfied with your current job? If you’re asking: how do you know when it’s time to quit your job… here are 10 signs that now could be a good time to consider a career change:

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What are you waiting for?
Lydia Newell Lydia Newell

What are you waiting for?

Are you stuck in a situation you know isn't right for you, but you're not quite sure how to get unstuck? Here's some ideas to get out of 'the waiting place' in your career: 

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