Don’t do a Christmas Eve box for the kids this year - do this instead! 🎁🎄

Can you feel the holiday spirit building? I know we’re not quite there yet, but since I really love being organised I wanted to talk about our December the 1st box tradition - which I’ve started putting together this week. In our house, we make sure the Christmas excitement is amped right up with a tradition that kicks off the most wonderful time of the year: the December 1st Box! Move over, Christmas Eve box — there's a new festive contender in town, and it's bringing joy all month long.

Why December 1st? Because Patience is Overrated! 🗓️

Don’t get me wrong, the night before Christmas is so magical, but why wait until then to sprinkle some holiday magic? We started this tradition last year - to dive into the festivities headfirst on December 1st, giving us a whole month to enjoy all the things that help us feel Christmassy.

Concern: Is this just another thing to add to my list of ‘Christmas jobs’?

I hear you – the countdown to Christmas can sometimes feel like an epic battle against the to-do list. December is the month where to-do lists seem to multiply faster than Santa's elves: gifts to buy, food to prepare, decorations to put up… an elf to remember to move!! The thought of adding another task can be daunting. Here’s why this tradition of a December 1st box is more of a gift to yourself than an extra job. I found that it's not about creating more work; but about spreading joy effortlessly.

The Holiday Hack: Christmas Eve vs. December 1st

Now, let's compare notes. The Christmas Eve box, a fun tradition, which brings a burst of excitement for one night only. But what if I told you our December 1st Box brings that same joy and then some, all month long? That's right — no one-hit-wonder here. Everything inside is meant to be savoured, worn, read, and enjoyed throughout December.

Making Every Moment Count

Those Christmas books? Read them on cozy evenings. The Christmas dress-up gear? Rock it to the supermarket, why not? Hot chocolate and marshmallows? A perfect remedy for any December day. It’s all in the box, ready to go.

Why It's Worth It

The December 1st Box is a gift to your future self. No need to worry about finding time for helping the kids get into the Christmas spirit, I found my son independently grabbing activities from the box last year to entertain himself - the dream!!

What Goes into Our December 1st Box? 📦🎉

Let me spill the peppermint-scented(!) beans… here’s what’s in our December 1st box this year:

  • Christmas bedding — because snuggling up in festive sheets instantly transforms bedtime into a winter wonderland.

  • A new Christmas decoration for each child to add to the tree

  • A stash of Christmas books that only come out during this special season.

  • The cozy essentials — Christmas mugs, hot chocolate and marshmallows! Because nothing says "It's Christmas!" like a cup of hot chocolate with a mountain of fluffy goodness on top.

  • Christmas crafts and activity books that spark creativity and keep the little ones entertained.

  • Christmas baking kits (including cookie cutters, recipe cards etc) for those moments when only gingerbread cookies will do

  • Christmas cards to be written whenever the moment takes you

  • Festive dress-up gear - pyjamas, Christmas jumpers, Santa hats, reindeer antlers

  • Christmas themed games - charades, reindeer antler hoopla… fun is waiting for us!

And of course, we like to keep things fresh. This year we will be adding a new book, and some cute Christmas aprons.

What's Old, What's New? 🎄✨

Now, I hear you asking, "What happens to last year's leftovers?" Fear not, Santa's sustainability squad is on the case! Our partially filled coloring books are making a comeback, and those Christmas dress-up treasures, books and games are getting another chance to sparkle.

Top tip

Don’t put it all in the box on December 1st - it can be a bit overwhelming. We have our Elf on the Shelf deliver different bits throughout December to keep it interestesting.

Your December, Your Way

The beauty of the December 1st Box is its flexibility. You decide how much or how little you want to embrace each element. The goal is simple: to infuse your December with a touch of fun, without the added stress. It really isn’t about the contents of the box. This isn't about perfection; it's about creating memories.

For us, the December 1st Box isn't an extra task; it's an invitation to enjoy the season. It's a reminder to slow down, embrace the festive spirit, and enjoy the countdown to Christmas.

So, there you have it, our not-so-secret Christmas hack for a December filled with joy, laughter, and a touch of Christmas magic. Give it a try, and who knows, maybe your December 1st Box will become the highlight of the season!

For more gift inspiration and fun ideas to celebrate this Christmas 🎅✨ - follow me on Instagram


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